About Me

Our story


“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

My partner and I have nine adopted children. As a parent to many, not just many but all who have suffered severe physical and emotional neglect and emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, I have had to learn a lot. We had to work hard at reversing so many negatives embedded into our children’s heads––some put there by their biological parents, some put there by mean people at school who lacked compassion for what these kids had been through, and perhaps ideas they put there themselves from previous ridicule, shame, and berating that had eventually resulted into low self-esteem.

Coaching Philosophy

My Philosophy

As I often refer to myself as a Personal Goal Strategist, I believe in the power of tailored, strategic guidance to help individuals and families achieve their fullest potential. My approach is centered on understanding your unique goals, challenges, and strengths to create a personalized roadmap for success.


I focus on fostering resilience, enhancing communication, and building practical skills to navigate life’s complexities. Whether you’re looking to strengthen family bonds, support your child’s development, or overcome personal hurdles, my goal is to empower you with the tools and strategies needed to thrive.


My philosophy is grounded in empathy, collaboration, and a commitment to your long-term growth and fulfillment. Together, we will work to transform challenges into opportunities and create lasting, positive change in your life.

Coaching Philosophy

My Philosophy

As I often refer to myself as a Personal Goal Strategist, I believe in the power of tailored, strategic guidance to help individuals and families achieve their fullest potential. My approach is centered on understanding your unique goals, challenges, and strengths to create a personalized roadmap for success.


I focus on fostering resilience, enhancing communication, and building practical skills to navigate life’s complexities. Whether you’re looking to strengthen family bonds, support your child’s development, or overcome personal hurdles, my goal is to empower you with the tools and strategies needed to thrive.


My philosophy is grounded in empathy, collaboration, and a commitment to your long-term growth and fulfillment. Together, we will work to transform challenges into opportunities and create lasting, positive change in your life.


My life has taken a completely different path. It has led me to obtain a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and find more significant ways to advocate for children. As much as I have inspired my children, I take tremendous honor in saying that my children have pushed me and challenged me to work toward being a better version of myself every day for the greater good. Part of this means helping kids grow stronger mentally and giving parents additional tools to put their kids on a successful path–particularly in today’s current climates where social media, bullying, and discrimination exist. 


My life has taken a completely different path. It has led me to obtain a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and find more significant ways to advocate for children. As much as I have inspired my children, I take tremendous honor in saying that my children have pushed me and challenged me to work toward being a better version of myself every day for the greater good. Part of this means helping kids grow stronger mentally and giving parents additional tools to put their kids on a successful path–particularly in today’s current climates where social media, bullying, and discrimination exist. 

Why Choose Us

A Coach That Can Help You

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This letter will show you how one of my clients seeked for guidance on…



This post is about a letter explaining how I helped my client with her…


What is Life Coaching? Who is it for?

What is Life Coaching? Who is it for?

Life coaching is a collaborative process where a trained professional, known as a life coach, helps individuals clarify their goals, overcome obstacles, and achieve personal growth. Through supportive guidance and tailored strategies, life coaching empowers clients to maximize their potential and navigate life's challenges with confidence

Life coaching can be invaluable for anyone seeking clarity, direction, or positive change in their personal or professional life. Whether facing career transitions, relationship challenges, or seeking personal development, life coaching offers personalized support to unlock potential, set achievable goals, and foster lasting fulfillment.

The cost of sessions may vary based on the specific service offered. Whether you're seeking Individual & Family coaching, Failure to Launch Coaching, or Adoption Coaching, our pricing reflects the tailored support and specialized expertise provided to meet your unique needs and goals. Head to our services for more information

Ready to take the next step? Click anywhere on our website to schedule your appointment and seamlessly navigate to our booking pages, where you can view my availability and secure your session. Start your journey towards clarity, growth, and achieving your goals today!.