
Books, Clothes, Food

This post is about a letter explaining how I helped my client with her 10years old daughter, Emily, to overcome anxiety

Disclaimer: The advice provided in this blog is based on evidence-based practices and reflects how I would handle the described situations. Please note that individual circumstances can vary greatly. It is important to consider seeking local professional mental health assistance if you notice persistent signs of distress, behavioral changes, or any other indications that professional support may be needed.

Dear Joseph,

I am reaching out because I am facing a challenging situation with my 10-year-old daughter, Emily. Recently, Emily has been struggling with a lack of confidence and anxiety about participating in class activities and social events. This has been quite concerning as she used to be very outgoing and enthusiastic about school and extracurricular activities.

A few weeks ago, Emily was assigned a group project at school, and she was excited about it initially. However, after a misunderstanding with one of her group members, she became withdrawn and reluctant to contribute. When I asked her about it, she mentioned that she felt her ideas were not valued and that she was afraid of making mistakes.

This situation has escalated to the point where Emily now hesitates to raise her hand in class or join her friends during recess. As her mother, it breaks my heart to see her so anxious and unsure of herself. I have tried to encourage her and boost her confidence, but I feel like I am not making much progress.

I am seeking your advice on how to help Emily regain her confidence and overcome her anxiety. What strategies can I use to support her in feeling more secure and valued in her social interactions? How can I create a positive environment at home that reinforces her self-esteem and encourages her to take risks without fear of failure?

Your guidance would mean the world to us, and I am eager to hear your suggestions on how to navigate this challenging time.

Thank you for your time and support.




Dear Lynda,

Thank you for reaching out and for being such a dedicated and supportive advocate for Emily. Your proactive approach is commendable, and it’s clear how much you care about her well-being and growth.

It’s not uncommon for children to experience periods of self-doubt, especially when they encounter social challenges or feel their contributions are undervalued. Here are some strategies that may help Emily regain her confidence and overcome her anxiety:

Open Communication: Encourage Emily to express her feelings and thoughts openly. Create a safe space at home where she feels heard and understood, which can help her process her emotions and feel validated.

Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate Emily’s efforts and successes, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement can boost her self-esteem and motivate her to keep trying. Acknowledge her bravery in participating, even if the outcome isn’t perfect.

Role-Playing Scenarios: Practice different social situations with Emily through role-playing. This activity can help her develop strategies for handling conflicts and asserting her ideas confidently.

Encourage Interests and Strengths: Support Emily in pursuing activities she enjoys and excels at. Doing this can help her build confidence in her abilities and provide a sense of accomplishment.

Teach Resilience: Help Emily understand that mistakes and setbacks are part of learning. Encourage a growth mindset by emphasizing effort and perseverance over perfection. Share stories of times when you or others overcame challenges.

Involve Her in Problem-Solving: When conflicts arise, involve Emily in finding solutions. Involving kids in problem-solving empowers them and helps them feel more in control of situations.

Seek External Support: If Emily’s anxiety persists or worsens, consider seeking support from a school counselor or child therapist. Professional guidance can provide additional strategies and support for Emily and your family.

Model Confidence and Self-Compassion: Demonstrate confident and compassionate behavior in your interactions. Children often learn by observing adults, particularly same-sex adults, so showing how you handle challenges gracefully can be very impactful.

Your dedication to Emily’s well-being is already making a difference. By continuing to provide a supportive and understanding environment, you’re helping her build the resilience and confidence she needs to navigate social interactions and challenges.

Remember, progress may be gradual, but every small step forward is a victory. I’m confident that Emily will regain her confidence and thrive with your love and support.

Warm regards,


Post Tags:

Books, Clothes, Food

About Me

I hold certification as a life coach and in child and adolescent psychology. Before entering the field of psychology, I came from a customer service background with postgraduate studies in foreign languages and literature. A great deal has changed since then, and while in my younger years, had anyone even suggested spending my life with children as the focus of everything that I do, I would have called him crazy, And yet here we are.


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