Goal Strategist & Motivational Speaker

about me

a bit about me.

I hold certification as a life coach and in child and adolescent psychology. Before entering the field of psychology, I came from a customer service background with postgraduate studies in foreign languages and literature. A great deal has changed since then, and while in my younger years, had anyone even suggested spending my life with children as the focus of everything that I do, I would have called him crazy, And yet here we are. 

coaching services

Are You Thinking about Adoption?

Adoption is a significant and life-changing decision that can bring immense joy and fulfillment to both the adoptive parents and the adopted child. But you already know that!  Let's determine if adoption is the right path for you. 

Are You in the Adoption Process?

While Child Protective Services (CPS) and adoption agencies aim to provide thorough information to prospective adoptive parents, details often need to be made apparent that should be discussed more openly.

Are You Struggling Post Adoption?

It's important to note that not all adoptive families will experience severe problems, and many families successfully navigate adoption challenges. However, not all adoptive families experience the benefits of smooth sailing.

Do You Just Need a Parenting Lifeline?

Parenting can be rewarding and challenging, and I'm here to provide information and guidance. Get advice on discipline, communication, child development, or any other parenting-related topic. 

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Helping kids grow stronger mentally and giving parents additional tools to put their kids on a successful path.